Just another day at the office


Wednesday 11 January 11:11am: Ring Ring! Ring Ring! “Hello Australasian Assistance client security help line can I help you?” “Hello this is ‘Client Company’ Security Manager in Damascus and our company has agreed to [...]

Just another day at the office2017-07-09T10:54:12+10:00

Security & Risk Management Services


Securing your business from operational risks is a first priority for any organisation. Losses of life, intellectual property, physical assets and reputation can have a devastating and lasting impact on a business. Australasian Assistance [...]

Security & Risk Management Services2017-07-09T10:56:27+10:00

After the Crisis is over


First of all what is a crisis as what may seem a crisis to one business it may not seem to be to another. A crisis is deemed to be an abnormal situation or [...]

After the Crisis is over2017-07-09T10:57:30+10:00
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